Friday, March 25, 2011

concentration progress

This is my Progress on my portfolio so far. as you may or may not be able to tell, none of these pieces are 100% finished, so i feel it would be redundant to upload them to the AP page. Still there is progress to be shown by these pictures. The concept of my concentration is defiantly holding true, while developing further and further, with the new stretched string ideas. The incompleteness of the projects makes the craftsmanship somewhat diminished, but that will be fixed once they are all completed. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Concentration: 1 Squirrel

This is the first of my concentration pieces that are animal sculptures made from wire/string/or stick like material. The animals are look like there about to do something too, so this squirrel is about to run away with its acorn because its looking up at someone or something thats coming. I choose to keep this one all wire to show the waviness and looseness of the wire, trying to show the nervous movement of squirrels. Its made from two long separate pieces of wire, one for the front half and another for the back. I feel this project was very successful and it makes me excited to create the rest of the animals for the concentration. The main improvement this project needs is an actual acorn for its mouth, and maybe a stick for it to be mounted on.