Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Social Justice

This is my project that was to show a social justice. I choose the issue with cluster headaches, and how the only cure is illegal. i wanted to make a sort of mini installation showing a person suffering from cluster headaches who is by law forced to suffer, but from behind bars there's a hand reaching to help, so the risk for relief is imprisonment. this project turned out well, i just wish i had painted it. without the paint though, now that i photoshoped the cardboard black and white, i like the way it looks. the colors on the body are supposed to show the pain areas. I also discovered though this project that paper mache is my new favorite 3D material, i cant put something down what i start working with it.

1 comment:

  1. This looks cool as a photographed piece. I still think the writing on the wall should feel more graffiti-like. Great job with the concept.
